The fuel shortage in Yemen, due to the detention of oil ships and preventing them from docking at the port of Hodeida by the US, the great supporter of the war launched by the Saudi-led war coalition countries against Yemen, has made the lives of patients in hospitals in real danger and the lives of doctors themselves harder.
Mohammed Al-Ghazali suffers from the frequent shutdown of the dialysis center in the Yemeni Capital, Sana’a, due to an acute shortage of fuel in the northern part of the country. As a result, he expects death at any moment. He stated that he could not imagine that he would die simply because the blood purifier had failed as a result of fuel shortage.
He said, with eyes full of tears, “This is brutality and a crime against humanity. Why do they prevent us from fuel?”
Doctors face these hard situations very often. When power generators stop, due to the exhaustion of diesel, the assistant general practitioner, Mohammed Al-Hatami, turns on a manual blood purifier to prevent strokes. “We are doing our best,” Al Hatami states with frustration.
We are suffering from fuel shortage over the past six years of the unjust Saudi war that has exhausted the Yemeni healthcare system.
In fact, the imports of fuel required to run power generators, water pumps and goods transport have declined sharply over the past three months. This has exacerbated the humanitarian crisis, which has made 80 percent of Yemenis live on aid and made the lives of thousands of sick people threatened by slow death.