- By the end of the second day of October 2022, the UN-brokered truce in Yemen would have ended without extension due to the refusal of the Coalition of War on Yemen, led by the US and Saudi Arabia, to release the salaries of Yemeni public sector employees that have been looted since the transfer of the Central Bank (CBY) administration from Sana’a, the capital, to Aden governorate, which is under their control, five years ago. Meanwhile, they keep on selling oil derivatives and looting their revenues, which represent the only resource for CBY to cover the salary disbursement.
- However, the Hotels-based Government, within its policy of starving the Yemeni people, continued to deposit these amounts to the National Bank of Saudi Arabia in Riyadh, based on its approval. They misuse those amounts and spend them wastefully on things other than what they have been constitutionally allocated for, namely the public sector employee’s salaries. When negotiating the truce extension, the public sector employees’ full entitlement to salaries was foregrounded; and an agreement was reached that the salaries would be disbursed only for state employees based on the monthly payroll of the year 2014, that is, before the mercenaries fled abroad. Thus, the allegation that Ansarullah intend to pay dues to their affiliates – civilians or military – is exposed. Certainly, the payment will be made to state employees for the years preceding Ansarullah’s participation in the government according to the Peace and Partnership Agreement in 2014. Nevertheless, the Saudi-led Coalition of War on Yemen refrained from paying salaries, and insisted that the disbursement should be discriminately made to specific groups to the exclusion of others, in an attempt to split the national ranks and stir up problems among the society’s various groups (civilians, retirees, security personnel and military personnel). They tried to approve the disbursement of salaries to only one-third of the beneficiaries, in order to continue misusing and spending public money wastefully in hotels of Riyadh, Turkey and other countries. Consequently, the truce has ended owing to their corruption and intransigence.
- Despite all this, Sana’a Government (NSG) has not closed the doors of negotiations and maintains a calm and non-escalating attitude provided that the robbery and looting of the Yemeni people’s oil riches should be stopped, so that the international community seriously should pressurize the Saudi-led Coalition to end their ongoing starvation policy, as it is an immoral and inhumane weapon.