International voices, including countries and organizations, are still raising their voices in response to the voice of humanity and reason, calling for an end to the unjust and futile war against the aggrieved and steadfast Yemeni people. Despite their increasing number, these voices as usual collide with the desire, ambitions and agenda of the countries sponsoring this unjust war, especially the US, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, which have used their political influence and oil to buy the complicity and silence of many countries in the world. These countries have disregarded the impartial UN reports that confirm the brutality of this war on the Yemeni people and underscore their failure to achieve any political or field victory other than committing more bloodshed and massacres of children and women. They have also ignored the UN Charter and Security Council resolutions, which, in their entirety, emphasize the path of political dialogue to resolve problems and settle disputes. Again, they are unresponsive to the widespread popular outrage across Yemen, north and south, who have been affected by the air raids, blockade and practices of the war-countries mercenaries in Yemen.
The entire Yemeni people, including those who were misled at the beginning of the war on Yemen – six years ago – to be supporting the so-call “legitimacy,” have become today aware of the trick of this slogan. They realized closely that the agenda of the countries of War Coalition against Yemen is to kill the people, exhaust the state, destroy its capabilities and gains, and dismantle its unity and national cohesion. They have also disregard all the understandings that were made in order to reach a peaceful solution, the latest of which is the Stockholm Agreement, which resulted in finding solutions to some humanitarian issues, such as opening the airport, paying salaries and releasing all prisoners. Until this moment, the countries of War Coalition against Yemen have continued to evade the implementation of the obligations of these understandings. Is it high time for the free voices in the international community to say “enough” and put an end to this absurdity?