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The National Team For Foreign Outreach - Yemen

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The war of the US and its tools (KSA and UAE) on Yemen were not limited to the military side, despite their brutality, ruthlessness, and criminality in this side. According to impartial international reports, they have violated the rules of international humanitarian law and human rights in an unprecedented way in the modern world.

Nevertheless, the aggressive war against Yemen, people and land, still has many unethical and inhuman aspects. These aspects include the deliberate misleading role of the media, hiding the evident facts, and working to get rid of the consequences of crimes against Yemen by working with various tools, such as media, as well as some UN reports, unfortunately, purchased with Saudi and Emirati money. This systematic work is still going on with a view to attach such crimes to the non-acting tools and distract attention from the real perpetrator, i.e. the American administration from whose Capital this brutal war had been declared and fueled by its weapons, warplanes and military tanks, logistical support and its daily and intense political coverage in all international forums.

It has become quite clear to the orphans and widows of thousands of martyrs targeted by America in this war that it is only America, which is the spearhead of this brutal and unjustified aggression against Yemeni people for six years of killing and siege.

However, the grieved Yemeni people are still waiting for the free and honest people of the world, especially those in America and Europe, not to be fooled by the misleading media, which attempt to attach this war and its crimes to their tools in the region. However, such tools should bear a humanitarian and legal responsibility for participating in this brutality against Yemeni people. It is also absurd and ridiculous to associate these crimes with the mercenaries of the countries of aggression, whether they hold Yemeni or any other nationality and under any titles, they endow them and create for them baselessly from scratch. They call them ministers, presidents and military leaders, whereas everyone knows that they live under the auspices and sponsorship of the Aggression Coalition Countries. They merely stay in hotels and receive daily expenses from the embassies of those countries, even though they do not have any legitimate, legal or popular bases.

When does the global human conscience wake and emerge against this brutal war? Are the honorable people all over the world willing to say boldly to America “Stop killing the peaceful Yemeni people”?


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