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The National Team For Foreign Outreach - Yemen

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The steadfastness of the State with its official institutions continues with sovereignty of law, equality for all citizens, and restoration of security all over the Arabian Felix (Yemen) in such a way that has never been done before in its modern era. Besides, all the areas of the Republic of Yemen under the control of the National Salvation Government in Sana’a, including (about 80% of the population of Yemen), have been cleansed of Al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorism, thanks to the efforts of the Yemeni army and its Popular Committees.

On the contrary, a state of systematic chaos prevails in the areas under the control and occupation of the countries of war coalition on Yemen led by the United States, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Those areas are dominated by insecurity, instability and proliferation of rival gangs and infiltration of terrorism, which has become part of their security and military components. There is a complete absence of the State, in its simple concept, and deterioration or even absence of all simple services. This prompted people to constantly protest, rejecting this reality, which they discover to be systematic and controlled by the richest and most powerful countries that sponsor them and the war on their homeland and their people. These countries, together or separately, could have created, if they wanted, a model of prosperity and security in those areas that is unparalleled in the region.

However, their practices clearly reveal to those who are still having in their hearts a positive view about those countries that the real agenda of these countries is to destroy the idea of Statehood, institutions, security, army, stability and prosperity for all Yemen – east, west, north and south – giving no attention to the political situation in which the Yemenis live. They did not even consider the cheap dependency of the rulers of the cities under their control.

In fact, there is a big difference between the position of Sana’a government, despite the conspiracy and fierce war waged against them by the most powerful and wealthiest nations backed by the US, KSA, UAE, and UK, and the shameful reality of the government of their mercenaries. However, the international community continues to close their eyes to these realities and ignore the recognition of the stable and well-established government of Sana’a as a State of order and law.

Instead, they tend to deal with a government that is neither legitimate nor realistic on the ground, a government living in the hotels of countries that have been slaughtering their own children and countrymen for six years. All of this is done for the sake of defiled money that has been used to purchase governments whose countries have always presented themselves as ideal symbols of values and principles.

Is it time, after six years of this unjust war, to end this farce? It is a question posed by free and honest people of the world.

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