- “The world’s worst humanitarian crisis is in Yemen”. It is a sentence echoed by dozens of international officials in various international forums as a pretext to search for more millions of dollars provided by donor countries to various international organizations under the name of reducing the aggravation of this crisis.
- However, it is noticeable that as aid grant figures remarkably increased to billions of dollars, so does the situation of the deterioration of the humanitarian situation unexpectedly, according to the indicators of the UN organizations.
- Tracing the reasons behind that gap between the increase in aid and the expansion of poverty cycle, we will find clearly, within UN reports, how these organizations have been begging for money in the name of the sufferings of the Yemeni people. By doing so, they intend to fill their staff’s personal bank account balances and increase their allocations to the extent that most of the assistance projects almost go by up to (85%) as special expenses (salaries, operating expenses, risk allowance, incentives, etc.). What goes to the target group of the poor Yemeni people is only the remaining little amount of about (10 -15%).
- Sana’a government has got evident documents monitoring the rampant corruption in many of these organizations, which keep on calling for increase in their allocations. Those unfortunate facts, which show how they exploit the sufferings of the poor without any moral and legal deterrence, have been confirmed by UN impartial and monitoring reports. There is even complicity based on the exchange and sharing of the loots with those in charge of international grants. Unfortunately, they were not satisfied with the pain that befalls the oppressed people due to the unjust war on them, but they are also working to steal their loaf of bread, medicine and clothing.
- Could the international community realize the fact that the esteemed Yemeni people do not need more begging for aid on its name for personal motives? What the Yemeni people really need is a humanitarian grant from the honorable people of the world, which can help them avoid the deliberate starvation caused by the siege imposed on them. It also needs a real and effective humanitarian aid to stop the unjust aggression against it by the US, Saudi Arabia, Britain and the UAE. Above all, it should be noted that Yemen, its land and people, without the siege and the war on it, has got riches and resources that can make it able to provide aid to various countries of the world.