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The National Team For Foreign Outreach - Yemen

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From the very first day of the war on Yemen, the reality of those who claim to fight terrorism is being exposed more and more. Observers are aware of the empowerment that the terrorists have reached in Yemen, until the Yemen-based Arab Peninsula Qaeda has become the most effective and widespread in the region, according to the observers. Their fortified cells were spread in every governorate and even within the neighborhoods of the Capital, Sana’a. Not even a single day passed without hearing about terrorist operations that hit innocent people in markets and mosques, as well as the symbols and castles of the Yemeni army and security, where dozens of them were harvested.

Then the real popular and national willpower emerged far away from the American-led pretenders of terrorism fighting. The sons of our homeland, the victims of this real terrorism, have drawn solidly the most wonderful examples of heroism. Those castles of terrorism were countered from the very moment of removing the Saudi agents and the American tools in Yemen from Sana’a and the rest of the provinces in most of the northern part of the country. The Yemeni army, backed by the popular committees with a true national leadership and sincere willpower led by Ansar Allah in Yemen, managed to defeat and clean up all Al-Qaeda pockets in those provinces. The US administration implied that such pockets had controlled the land and would take decades to be uprooted with the support and presence of the American military bases. It was only a justification for their presence under the pretext of fighting terrorism, which was created by them skillfully in Yemen as it was done outside. Within a few weeks, the name Al-Qaeda in the northern governorates (Ansar Allah’s control areas) vanished and all the terrorist criminal operations against Yemen, land and people, ended forever in those areas.

 However, unfortunately, it has not been finished yet in all Yemeni land, as it could find a safe haven and a comfortable harbor in the areas controlled by what the US and Saudi Arabia call as the ‘legitimate government’ in the southern and some eastern regions of the country. Western and independent media outlets have long documented the existence of these terrorist pockets and their participation with the Saudi-American-backed forces in confronting the army that had driven them out from the north. Obviously, the latest BBC report has documented this relationship with audio and video. In addition, there are recurrent and regular news from Al-Qaeda and Saudi mercenaries in this regard, expressing their sense of pride on the mutual cooperation between the two parties.

C:\Users\MyLaptop\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\IMG-20200619-WA0011.jpg The great victories of the army and the popular committees in eastern Yemen, after the clearance of the second largest Yemeni governorate in the east at the border area of Saudi Arabia, have clearly showed the size of the extremist military and religious training camps and centers of Al-Qaeda. They were deployed in this governorate with protection from the neighboring Saudi army and the dominant US military air cover. The images circulated by the national media about the nests of the Takfiri terrorist groups in those areas before their liberation, particularly Khushf area of Al-Jawf governorate, stand as a clear evidence of the on-going strategic military relationship between these terrorist groups (Al-Qaeda and its sisters) and the so-called legitimacy backed by America and its tools in the region (Saudi Arabia and the UAE), who are jointly leading a war on Yemen.

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