- The humanitarian situation in Yemen remains critical due to the war and blockade of the coalition countries on Yemen led by the US, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, which has led to economic deterioration and food insecurity in Yemen, leaving millions of Yemenis in dire need of food and medicine. Moreover, there is damage to all basic services and infrastructure, including those related to health and education sectors.
- The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) revealed that 19 million Yemenis are food insecure, and that Yemen urgently needs to achieve economic recovery. ICRC also indicated that two out of every three Yemenis suffer from food insecurity, i.e., about 19 million people, while more people are suffering from inability to access basic health care.
- The United Nations confirms that only 51% of health facilities are still fully functioning in Yemen through support, while 49% of health facilities have been suffering from funding shortage. Consequently, there is a lack of operational specialized cadre, equipment, and basic medicines, especially in hard-to-reach areas.
- Yemen has been ranked globally as the sixth largest country with internal displacement crisis, having more than 4.3 million IDPs, refugees and asylum-seekers, as well as one million hosts. All of this was due to the hostile military actions carried out unlawfully by the Saudi-led Coalition of war against Yemen and their affiliated militias, which have negatively affected the water and sanitation systems and services.
- The Yemen WASH Cluster (YWC) reported an increase from 2021 in the number of people in need of support to meet their WASH needs by 16% (17.8 million people in need), while the number of people in acute needs increased by 28.7% (11.2 million people in acute need).
- Moreover, only less than quarter of the population has access to safe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services, despite these pressing needs.